Sunday, November 14, 2010

Haley Barbour As A Presidential Candidate

What I like about Barbour is that he is a true conservative.  He adamantly opposes any gun control legislation, abortion, Obamacare, and new taxes.  He says, “I believe in criminal control, not gun control.”
Several things could help bolster Barbour’s possible Presidential campaign in 2012.  Gov. Barbour eliminated a $720 million deficit in his home state of Mississippi.  That’s pretty good to say the least. 

To make this achievement even better, he did so without raising any taxes. ”The state of Mississippi will spend 13 percent less this fiscal year than two years ago” says a Fox News report on Gov. Barbour.  He understands that fixing the country won’t happen forthwith.  Barbour says that “you can’t do it overnight,”  a quote that President Obama needed to hear before passing a health care bill that, in my opinion, was passed a little too quickly.

Barbour can not only cut spending, but can also take control when disaster strikes.  When Katrina hit, Gov. Barbour reacted well and handled the fiasco in a way that Washington officials could only have dreamed of - getting millions for disaster relief in Mississippi.

If you’d like to learn more about Haley Barbour and what he stands for: and

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